When we mentioned to friends that we were headed to Bali for 10 days, many were surprised to hear that we had no intention of visiting a single beach. Our sights were set squarely on higher ground.
We planned to immerse ourselves in the traditional culture and history of this picturesque island. If you've ever ventured to Ubud, famously referred to as the cultural heart of Bali, you'll know it was just the right place.
Seeking accommodation out of town, we stumbled on the picturesque village of Bentuyung, about 4 kilometres north of Ubud. It turned out that our villa was owned by the village elder, Pak Wayan Tangsi - a warm, intelligent guy with a good sense of humour, who made us feel right at home in his community. I wrote a review of Villa Ibu on TripAdviser here if you're interested. For a couple of days we also stayed in central Ubud at Bali Moon, hosted by the lovely husband and wife, Wayan and Made, to be a bit closer to the action. I haven't written a review yet, but it was great. I'll replace this text when I eventually do!
We crammed a hell of a lot into our little trip, despite being sick for the first few days with a cold I dragged with me from Melbourne. But it didn't stop us! I took hundreds of beautiful photos, which I will attempt to cull to their bare bones so you can enjoy them. I thought I would try doing little bite size chapters, each in a separate post and on a different theme so that (a) I don't get overwhelmed by the task (b) YOU dont get overwhelmed and (c) the pages don't take forever to load.
I'll add links to the posts as I go!
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